Deploying 'Compose: lin-test'... "C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin\docker-compose.exe" -f D:\Project\gitFile\lin\lin-test\docker-compose.yml up -d Building last Sending build context to Docker daemon 61.72MB Step 1/5 : FROM ubuntu:latest ---> c29284518f49 Step 2/5 : COPY target/*.jar /app.jar ---> f13f1a3f4a0d Step 3/5 : ENV JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jdk1.8" ---> Running in ea05d01bf802 Removing intermediate container ea05d01bf802 ---> 9bb4f1a6be38 Step 4/5 : ENV PATH="${PATH}:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/sbin" ---> Running in 73ab542794a5 Removing intermediate container 73ab542794a5 ---> a6d791e7bd7c Step 5/5 : ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "/app.jar" ] ---> Running in e1704a59d50b Removing intermediate container e1704a59d50b ---> 8ee7a6f5b53a Successfully built 8ee7a6f5b53a Successfully tagged lin-test_last:latest SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker image from Windows against a non-Windows Docker host. All files and directories added to build context will have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions. It is recommended to double check and reset permissions for sensitive files and directories.
Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them Image for service last was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`. Creating lin-test_last_1 ... Creating lin-test_last_1 ... done 'Compose: lin-test' has been deployed successfully.